I have a friend of a friend that came to me asking for help and his required turnaround is too fast for me.

This fellow owns a FL based staffing agency with monthly deposits of $100k - $200k. He factors most of his invoices but this is what he is telling me that his monthly deposits are (just spoke to him so I do not have the bank statements in front of me).

He currently has two positions out there for a combined total of about $90k.

He is looking for $40k - $50k and ideally needs the money tomorrow (Friday) or Monday at the latest.

He is leaving town on Saturday for a family trip and has a few hundred thousand dollars in invoices he is sending out but the funds will not come back fast enough. He thinks he can repay in about 60 days. He has some huge insurance premiums to pay to get some substantial discounts, so all of a sudden he needs to grab some quick funds.

He says that his credit is mid-high 600s. (again, I have not seen it, all self reported, but he comes to me from one of our major investors so I am inclined to believe him).

My strong preference is direct lenders if you think you can get this done in the required timeframe.


Dan Page