I know at least 6 companies who stack heavily and make their business out of it. While it is tough to deal with on the lenders side I think all parties involved need to take responsibility from the merchant who accepts, to the broker who brings it there to the lender who stacks it. Usually 3 people take a part. I will tell you Pearl DOES NOT stack every company like most stacking companies do. Guys like Wide, FSC, WGF, TBB,etc... all stack and one isn't different than the next. I have a merchant on ACH right now paying 40% slow due to bouncing payments because they took Wide Lending Groups funds. I guess my point is this is happening a lot and the only way to really deal with it is to educate ISO's and Merchants, maybe put something extra in the funding agreements. I deal with it too and it's an obstacle for sure but it's one that we are dealing with and fairing out ok thankfully.