Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
no not really, in the case of OD protection I look at it like this.

The guy had to do something to earn the OD and the bank hasn't pulled it or cut it down. If the deposits are there and he has just consistently run in the red then whom I to judge. Are companies like Amazon who lost money their first 7 years bad for running red? Maybe Im just the guy to bump this man into the black with his next project? Positive Vices (Side note: I made up that 7 year thing about Amazon, Im not sure how long they lsot money for but it was longer than 3 months of Bank statements)
I see, is it really a reality that this type of file could actually fund tho? I mean, any lender I deal with will not even consider funding a negative account. I've lost tons of deals at funding for this exact reason.