You guys might not agree with me right now, but if this becomes common practice across the industry I think you guys might come over to my side eventually, after seeing from a holistic view how bad a policy this is.

Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
Joe that is where selling comes in, you have sell yourself, your company and why they should work with you...
Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
Tend to agree. There's no prize for 2nd place on a deal. You win or lose, just like anything worth doing in life. I should also add that rarely does a deal come down to just pricing. Good rapport has allowed me to sell deals even .10 over a competitors offer for the same term in some scenarios.
Guys, both of these statements are 100% accurate when we are competing with different products from different companies.

- For example, in the example between me and Celifarco with the Plumbing merchant, Celifarco could be pushing a premium product from an MCA, I could be pushing premium product in the form of an Alt. Business Loan.

- These are two totally different products in terms of value points, I could convince the merchant that having a fixed payment, a real business loan and being able to build his business credit is much better so that eventually he could be approved for more traditional lending products.

- Obviously, Celifarco could counter by saying the MCA is better because the merchant wouldn't have fixed payments during his slow season and that the renewal process is more efficient because he wouldn't have to pay "interest on top of interest" during the renewal stage.

- In addition, we can both sell the value points of the Funder or Lender, such as online reporting, better customer service, etc., etc.

But if Tucker and Celifarco are selling the same product from the same company, with the same buyrate, we are competing against ourselves. I'm competing against my own deal lol.

I have to speak up on this because understand something, in this situation the only people that get hurt are the brokers, Tucker and Celifarco. The lender is still getting their 1.14 buyrate, the only entity in this chain that's getting hurt is the broker, as he has to continue to cut his commissions down as he competes against his own damn deal that his "Partner" has given to another broker in the marketplace.

Deal exclusivity is about respect guys. It's a Funder/Lender's way of protecting a broker's commissions after he has invested his time, energy, and creativity to close a merchant. Now, if 5 business days pass and there's no movement on the deal to the point where the deal is "dead", then if another Broker submits that file with it "alive again" then that other Broker should now take over deal exclusivity.

Hell, if you want to put the exclusivity at 3 business days, that's fine. But 0 days is unacceptable and it doesn't protect the broker's time, energy and creativity invested into a deal at all.

Also maybe I need to change my username on here, people seem to think my first name is Joe lol. My name is John Tucker guys