John, I respect your point and I don't wholly disagree with you, we all want a level playing field and want to discourage backdoored deals.

I've been very vocal about submitting applications to lenders and knowing my merchants cell phone will blow up with MCA telemarketers the instant I send the application in. How does this happen? The info is stolen by one of the reps or admin at the lender and sent out. It's very easy to track. I could slam a dozen people publicly with proof but I won't. That's not the point. This point is, I gave up and accepted it as part of the game. Now, cell phones, emails are changed on some applications, perhaps to one that I monitor so I can see who's calling or emailing my client after I submit to a single lender. Can't say for sure. , but I'm not dumb, and I know what's going on.

It's up to us to protect our client and have the discussions with them about what will happen when they apply, how it works, and why they don't NEED to apply everywhere. Merchants won't waste time when they know they are duplicating their efforts, you feel me?

The lenders want their spread and however the deal gets closed, makes no difference to them. Expect lenders to do what is in their best interest at all times despite all the fluffy feel good talk about caring about their ISOs. Unless you are funding a couple million a month, you're a flea, and very expendable.