Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
I have also seen this happen many times. In fact, I have had Brokers willing to cut commission to cover the Fees from the Underwriting. Unfortunately a lot of brokers think that these "fees" are to pad the pockets of the funders but in truth they are used to offset defaults which allows (at least in our case at YSC) to keep offering the deals that most others would never fund and definitely not for the amount of money we do.
Andy... I hate to be this person but i've received contracts from you guys with origination, 3rd party from YSC, with 6 points and the rate was crazy. My old rep always tried to work with me but it was always the same story. I hardly believe that with the amount of volume you do, the cost of your money, and the rates/origination/extra fees equal out to 6 points and 25% of fees. I was always grateful for the assistance with the "YSC qualified only" files but you get to the point where there is no other choice and the merchant just goes with it. Being signed up with you- I am glad you are transparent and it makes a little more sense but still- there is a disconnect and the ladder part of the industry just doesn't get it.