Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
Let me respond in pieces...

1. I don't think you hate being that person, you thrive/survive/flourish on drama and rocking the boat, like most of us do LOL.
2. I cant speak for "Contracts you've received from us 3rd Party"
3. Not sure where you arrived at 6% and 25% fees? Please explain
4. Like I said previously I can only speak for my team which does everything in its power to keep the fees in our 2-5% range and we do that on 95% of our files

Before anyone jumps all over me with examples of the time their merchant paid 6% etc etc please keep in mind that I am happy to discuss and assist you in any way possible but getting berated with generalities about "that one deal" wont help your cause.
Let me respond in pieces...
1. I thrive and flourish on the responses, yes. There are a lot of contradictions and overall conflicts that will not be fixed, innovated, or stopped if someone didn't be that person. Sometimes I chose to be that person. So yes Andy, I deserve every response coming from it all lol!
2. I'll go over with you via email on the last contract and you can clear the air.
3. My old agreement I had. Keep in mind- these were my OWN originated deals. Not brokered so I didn't care too much. Relationships and knowing where my deal was and that it wasn't going anywhere was enough for me
4. Your team has been great so far! No problems, very transparent... I heart YSC. I guess it's just the fact that all teams are different with different pricing throws everyone off when they read one thing and see another.