I have over 10 years of experience working within the cash advance space collecting on accounts that have defaulted. I have dealt and continue to deal with it all: Stop payments, blatant fraud, slow pays, enforcement of UCC-1, COJ's, and personal guarantees.

I currently work with several of the largest and well knows direct lenders in the industry handling files after their internal team fails to recover and before it is sent out to a 3rd party collections office or law firm. The reason I have been so successful is simple. I am extremely well versed in all Federal and State laws regarding the measures available to all lenders who need to have their contracts upheld. It is not enough to simply advise a merchant that he/she must pay "or else". To have the ability to explain to each defaulted merchant what recourse can be taken in detail is essential in turning their mindset around. It is in fact the only talent that matters.

This is why I have garnered so much success while 3rd party agencies do not. Moreover, while any agency will tout their abilities to recover your money, numbers do not lie. I run at a 20% conversion rate while 3rd party agencies run well below 10%. They also cost more and are at times difficult to work with.

Even the most downtrodden merchant can obtain funds if properly motivated and it can be done simply, quickly, and legally. It's a simple matter of edifying them on what can and will happen if they continue as is. Knowing what to say is infinitely more important then simply trying to bully someone over the phone. A well detailed and calm conversation that deals with the legal minutia of the UCC they have registered against the business or the personal guarantee they have signed has most merchants realizing quickly that the cost of continuing to withhold your funds is in fact greater than simply resolving it.

I am not looking to replace any process you currently have in place, simply an addition to your arsenal. As stated above, I currently work with several lenders who would all gladly confirm my success and the fact that I am not simply another voice in the cacophony of "pitches".

If you have any interest in learning more, please feel free to message me or call me direct at 1-877-669-7943. Happy new year to all.