Most of you have made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. You are committed to lose 10, 20, 50 pounds this year. You’ve got your Atkins, Paleo, South Beach and Juicer diets. You are stoked. You are going to do this.


You said that last year, or in 2010. You lost some weight but gained it back. Now, let’s relate this to lead generation. Every year you find a new lead generation company or you go back to an old one to give them a second chance. You are crossing your fingers that this time these leads will be killer, that this campaign is going to work. Ahhh. Like your diet, 3 months, 6 months in, you aren’t succeeding. What the hell?

I don’t want to start the year off on a downer. But I see lead generation and dieting success as closely related. Diets fail because we cheat. We cut corners. We think we can get away with that one donut here, and that cake there.

In lead generation, I see some of the same habits. I have clients that just go after the low hanging fruit. They by the way are the ones that have the lowest close ratios. I wonder why.

Oh, yes, like dieting, there is a strategy to good lead management. If you follow the strategy detail by detail, you will maximize your close ratios just like if you adhere to your diet strictly, you will lose weight. The best technology to implement your sales strategy is drip marketing automation. It works.

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