Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
andy, yes and sadly I am not giving anyone info they don't already know by saying this but a lot of rep's that have control over their merchants will use consolidations and stacking hand in hand to make even more money I think that has to be a major point of focus for consolidators - i am not a rep or broker, rather a lender and I am just trying to help one of my merchant's who is in the hole.

Im sure all lenders have a list of rep's that are blacklisted though, I know I do.
I'm with you 100%, I think the basic premise of stacking was a good one, give a merchant extra funding between his big advance to bridge them over. However, a lot of things sound great in theory, (See: Communism) but in reality they don't work nearly as well.

It will be interesting to see how many brokers who you described above end up on the outside looking in when the lenders finally say, "enough already!" and really start black balling people.