Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
how are you guys on credit? or what are major underwriting factors for you?
For advances, credit we are flexible -- we have funded sub-500s to upper 700s. For really poor credits, we will focus on how recent the they have defaulted or been delinquent, and how core the asset is -- if they had several defaults or a bankruptcy two or three years ago, no problem -- if they stopped making payments on several debts the past two months, that's more of a problem.

Three biggest factors we look at are deposit volume (fund up to 125% of deposits), consistency (infrequent deposits fine as long as they are at least semi-regular/predicable) and advance/loan repayment history -- if they have been consistently making payments on higher cost advances for an extended period of time, we will be aggressive. That said, they also need to have a consistent payment history on other core business assets (e.g. if a storefront, restaurant, or other brick and mortar business and they are behind on rent, that is a deal killer). We have daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly options available -- we tie the ACH draws to deposit frequency. Email me at address in signature for full program summary if you'd like more info.