Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
dan, is that structured more as a loan and if so, are the requirements a bit stricter than a typical advance?
Hey Anthony,

Yes, requirements are definitely stricter than a typical advance. Instead of looking primarily at bank statements, we look deep at the company's profitability (P&L, Balance Sheet, etc.). If the client is losing money with no turnaround at hand and the reduced payment will not bring them back into the black, we are not a fit. But if they are making money and they will have some margin left over at the end of the month after meeting their obligations, that is our client.

Given our high limits, I can do consolidations that others cannot. I'm also not concerned so much about the number of positions...but moreso the client's ability to pay. We do prevent the client from stacking (yes, we monitor) so they would need to be committed to get out from the stacked loans, at least during the timeframe they are repaying. Cash out is certainly possible (but not required) if the client can justify how they will earn revenue on the extra cash. Hope this helps.