Let's face it, if your clients could get access to a one over prime interest only credit line they wouldn't be coming to you for a MCA or revenue based financing. The primary reason businesses get turned down for cost effective financing is that they don't have properly structured business credit with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian Business and Equifax Business. They don't know,(and you may not know either) what a Paydex score is or an Intelliscore is and how it effects their ability to obtain cost effective financing.

Credit Suite is the world leader in building properly structured A+ business credit profiles with all three of the major business credit bureaus, completely based off of their EIN number and not their social security number. When you partner with us you get a complete white label system, we do all the work and are completely transparent. You sign up your clients, most of our partners charge $2,500 to $3,500 and we build them a properly structured A+ business credit profile with all three of the major bureaus in 5-6 months. You get all the credit and make $1,800 to $2,800 on every sale as we only charge you a wholesale rate of $700 to put each of your clients through the system.

You are providing your clients with an invaluable service by building their business credit profiles and now you can obtain for them the cost effective financing that they were seeking. Click on the links below, contact me with any questions.

Here is our link to our pricing page http://www.creditsuite.com/pricing

Here is the walk through video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FX8...ature=youtu.be

Here is a link to our website where you will find a lot of useful information including testimonials, a finance suite walk through, and much more www.creditsuite.com.


Pete Woodworth
Director of Business Services

Direct: 855-504-4120

Cell: 954-947-0034

