It is interesting if this deal is structured as you put it Sean, which is likely the case - Well then this deal opens up a major revenue stream to Chase that didn't exist yesterday and it will have a much stronger impact on Chase's bottom line long term than OnDeck. Meanwhile ONDK is the #2 gainer in the US and JPM closes down a buck. That's Wall St. for ya!

Also I couldn't disagree with the above statement more. There is no weakness here. Jamie Dimon isn't taking a flyer here. They have crunched these numbers to death, and have a very clear cut path ahead. This is a power move and if it works all the Well's and BofA's of the world will be following suit, quickly. Don't think they aren't watching this deal just as close if not closer than all of us.

If that happens and our customers realize they can get funded with ease & just as fast at their local bank who adheres strictly to the usury laws. Well then we can all kiss a good portion of our A Grade paper goodbye.