This is written by Ryan Pohl at IPS.

"Its December and You're doing what?"
With Thanksgiving now over, today is the 1st of December, and my first two calls this morning were very interesting. I start my morning with lead follow up. My first call is with an agent who has not reached their goals for the year, and has reiterated since October that they will probably fall short because "nobody buys during the holidays". So they decide to work part time during the holiday season.

My second call goes a bit different. "My best two months of the year are November and December". I am very intrigued in hearing why and their answer makes all the sense in the world. "Nobody else is working, and most agents are lazy and think that nobody buys during the holidays, so I take advantage and ramp up my prospecting during this time of year".

I find it very interesting that a small change in our mindset can make all the difference in the world. It even motivated me to hit it even harder these last 31 days to see how strong I can finish my year. So, around all the Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, turkey eating, NYE planning, and holiday hoopla, I have made the decision to start my 2016 today! What would your Christmas look like with a few extra deals in your pipeline? Carry that momentum into 2016, and have your best year ever!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. (Yes, I say Merry Christmas)