Quote Originally Posted by JohnCut View Post
I found a job opportunity on daily funder, the post stated they would provide the sales rep with leads they generated from their call center which is not located in the US. They would start with about 10 of these leads per week and then they claim to open up other call centers would be 50-125 leads per week, they want the sales rep to do 300K per month and pay you 2% commissions, and 3.6 million for the year They pay on the total amount funded of 2%. My question is this is it worth it at 2%? or 76K per year. I feel this is a low ball offer, I need some advice, would you take this offer or not?
yeah of course they want their sales reps to do 300K per month why wouldn't they?

If they are not offering you a salary and/or draw then this is not a "job" offer it's more of an independent sales contractor agreement. If they are only giving you two leads a day to start, this is absolutely a horrible offer. You can make more money calling out of the yellow pages (if they still exist) working from your kitchen table selling your deals direct.