JohnCut...As a direct lender I will likely have a very different perspective than some of my colleagues. But I would look at your options from the perspective of opportunity cost (google it if you do not know what this term means). In this against other options you may have available. Are you able to generate your own leads and get them funded with other lenders, earning more than 2%? Can you do it in volume? If so, then 2% does not look very attractive.

If not, then 2% for leads that are fed to you by the lender and all you have to do is smile and dial and you don't have to worry about lead flow and you can (potentially) "instantly" have a gig paying you $76k, it looks a lot more attractive.

Bottom line, what else do you have going on in your professional life that compares against this opportunity. If you have a lot of lucrative stuff, this sounds like a lukewarm offer. If you have nothing going on other than watching Days of Our Lives and checking your Facebook status, should jump in with both feet. You'll learn a bunch and could help set yourself up for bigger/better things.

Hope this helps.


Dan Page