Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Has he really been trying for over a week?

I personally make sure my Funder Partners do the same thing. I want the merchant to give me an opportunity to underwrite the file for a renewal or reload and issue an approval. If we can't approve him or the numbers are just horrible, and he has a better deal elsewhere, then release the Pay-Off Letter.

But if the merchant hasn't spoken to me at all about wanting a renewal and we just randomly get a request for a Pay-Off Letter....I tell them to stall him, underwrite the file, generate numbers and allow me to do my renewal presentation first.
I can understand what you're saying but based on the description above it sounds like the merchant was not interested and by the way that Can Capital handled the situation it would have cut your legs out from underneath you anyways

(My comment is based on allegations that I can neither confirm or deny the validity, all hypothetically based on the description of events being true)