Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
"It's nice to not have to beg for clients." Untill the merchants learn the fine art of shopping, which of course is made ten times easier for them because they are getting called by 5 guys simultaneously.
Chambo, I'm not sure what your angle is? Are you a lender? I assume that what you are referencing is that competition is not good in your business? And if that is the case we'd be happy to send you exclusive lead flow, however your price just went up substantially. What I have found is that my clients have talented sales people who work in their marketing departments, and they are not afraid of a little competition. Specifically, we will not sell our leads to more then 4 institutions. In addition, our clients are prepared to have 2-4 lenders contact them thru this matching process.

At the end of the day we are not a great fit for all lenders. The ones that use us love us and continue to renew the contracts.