Quote Originally Posted by MCNetwork View Post
I don't know. I've found Google PPC campaigns to be hideously expensive with very little to show for it. And spending a lot of money on SEO for my site is a risky proposition since Google tends to change the rules whenever they feel like it and all your hard work can go down the drain in a heartbeat. I find that even though I'm competing on the leads provided by lead companies, it's still much more profitable for me then trying to acquire internet leads on my own.
Very Smart Comment and that's not because you agree with me. Bottom-line is that most lenders are Not the best marketers but they are fantastic lenders. Lendio is a professional marketing firm and our net is wide. Of course we compete with other lead companies. We just happen to be the largest and most successful company in this space. Our footprint and reach is significant however If I told you about the stuff our marketing department is working on you would all become my clients. It's amazing as it is but it's about to go to yet another level. It is so nice to not have to beg for clients. People simply want to work with us..