Good points MCAVeteran!! We are a VC backed company that has the largest and most successful track record in the industry. Imagine E-Harmony and how effective it has been for dating? Now imagine clients coming thru one of many channels and they are seeking financing. These clients come in all different shapes and sizes and the needs vary depending on the business. What we do is effectively direct them to the appropriate lender client within our network. Check out as well as and I think you will see a taste of our marketing prowess. We are literally changing this industry with proof to back it up. My client here started off with a 50 leads intro package (1 month contract). Thru the 40th lead they had seen so much success that they got on a plane and flew out to Salt Lake City and signed a $120k contract.

What I know is this, if we don't take care of our clients needs then what good are we? Not good at all. So with that said, anyone who try's us will be very pleased. In fact we will be one of your most effective forms of marketing.

If anyone wants more info I would love to introduce Lendio to you. Call me direct at 801-858-3612 ext 102

Dave Young
Alternative Lender Manager