Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Option A: You can try to make 8 - 10 points on a $100,000 deal ($8,000 - 10,000 commission) by pricing it higher than market pricing and risk losing it a good chunk of the time to another broker who is pricing it more in line with its paper grade.


Option B: You can price it properly based on its Paper Grade (let's say it's A Paper and you price it between 1.12 - 1.18 over 6 mths) and actually win the deal with commission of 3% for example, then get 5 renewals out of the merchant over the next 30 months.

I've always operated under Option B and a good majority of the time, I won my deals from Brokers operating under Option A who are trying to get 10 points on one deal, and end up getting 0 points because the deal with to another company.

So you can obviously use whichever method you prefer, but if you have a merchant that's A Paper for example, and you are trying to push a 1.30 over 6 months on them to make 10 points on one deal, you better hope I don't call them lol.
You made me smile Joe... thanks