Click Here For Top 5 Marketing Discoveries of 2013 they took 50,000 worth of research and gave it to the world for free. Millions in value here for you guys if you apply this stuff.

Discoveries #4 and #5 and their application are no joke. They work. It seems a bit weird to send a merchant an e-mail with a subject line that reads: "Are you guys still open???" - but it works. It seems weird to turn your sales copy into something that would read like an Obama speech - but it works. Granted you don't have to go all Obama on them, that's just my style - but earnest sales copy with a personal touch converts better than; "Fund here with us because we fund really fast."

Mobile conversion optimization will be huge in 2014 because 50% of the web's traffic will come from mobile devices in 2015. Half of your leads are going to be coming from mobile devices in a short year. Optimizing your mobile assets to convert to the extent possible is a surefire way of controlling your CPA. So, with that in mind, pay attention to the part that references design.

Gaining a few percentage points in conversion will be key for guys. Some of you guys are primed to increase your conversions by 10%, while decreasing your overall CPA by 25% or more... Could be millions of dollars at stake.