Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
What recourse do those that "Consolidate" have to prevent people from stacking on top of their deal? I assume none, but I was hoping someone might drop some knowledge on me.
I'm sure there will be lots of opinions on this, but we have a binding agreement with consolidation clients that they are not allowed to have any additional loans while they are repaying us. We have a process in place wherein we do monthly lien searches, monitor bank accounts, etc. to ensure compliance. If they violate the terms they are in default and we take immediate action to come and take all of our money. Too many specifics for this thread, and I do not want to hijack the thread talking about my business model. But suffice to say, we protect our asset and the consolidation can be life changing for the right clients. This plays into other threads that have been started here about clients being forced out of business by greedy lenders and brokers. I can bring some of them back into the land of the living, but it needs to be the right fit.