DailyFunder intends to implement a series of measures rolled out over time to enhance transparency and accountability on the forum.

Here is a new one:
Any NEW user (going forward) that registers with a personal/free email address like gmail.com or equivalent will have their account marked as a "FREE EMAIL USER." Every time that user posts, that label will appear right under their reputation posts in red. Such users will also be subject to tougher moderation policies. The intent is to help everyone else potentially understand if a user is saying something behind the comfort of an account with a non-business email address and enable DF to act faster in addressing suspect posts.

The percentage of registrations with personal email addresses is already low but this should add an extra layer of incentive to use a business email on the forum. If you change companies, you can also change your email address and in fact we highly recommend you do so immediately when that happens.

Users that registered prior to today will not be subject to the same condition imposed above. This is only for new accounts that register going forward. However, more aggressive moderation actions will be taken against accounts with personal emails all the same.

More rules to come. Stay tuned.