Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Give me an example? I've heard this before and this mantra is common place amongst Sales Managers, but in my opinion it just doesn't make any sense.
#1. 3rd or 4th position deal last month, similar offers between us and the competing lender (direct), they just beat us out by 6 points (1.34 against 1.40). Caught him on the phone while signing and gave a few horror stories about the lender he was signing with - had him sign ours instead, funded.

#2. Couple people on the board might be familiar with this one. Late AUG, manufacturing, texas. Competed with several brokers with this one. He had a questionable first and BLOC in place. First broker had a strong second offer (much better than my consolidation deal in all reality), told him another payment would kill his cash flow, made a realistic case, had him sign the consolidation. Lender pulled the deal, competing brokers exclusivity (30 day) ran out (after I thought the deal was deal on our end), lender contacted me with the offer, and I closed him on that same second within about 15min (after preaching how it would "kill cashflow, and he apparently had another consolidation offer on table at that time). Switched the pitch to annualized rate and long-term outlook. $150K, funded.

Every deal has it's own benefits (inferior or not). Find and exploit those benefits (no matter how irrelevant they may seem). Just a couple examples, have many more if you'd like.