Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
Very good. Self esteem is the #1 key to success in anything you do in life. Professionally and personally.

Have to disagree shouting daily affirmations, neckties, and role playing for any type of mid to senior level inside reps. Would be a lot of water cooler talk about those ones, like "is anyone else hiring?". Most of these seem applicable for 22 year old new grads perhaps that don't mind going through the hazing of being new to the professional sales game.
Yeah, most of it is pretty silly and designed for newer reps (usually younger). Ties are a fun thing if you have to "earn" not having to wear one... Once you fund 50 deals you get to work without a tie.

A seasoned rep would just need proper resources and enough free space to excel. As long as they are making money, let them do their thing.