TIP #6

Push through initial resistance

Most prospects have a knee-jerk negative reaction to sales pitches. That's why new salespeople get flustered after getting "NOT INTERESTED" for 30 calls in a row.

The business owners we are targeting have learned through social conditioning that if they utilize certain sound-bites it will get them their desired reaction (the salesperson off the phone). It's similar to when a guy goes to talk to a beautiful girl in a public place -- in some cases he is instantly shot down, because she utilizes a sound bite that she, from her experience, knows will make the guy go away. Basic conditioning.

"NOT INTERESTED" before they even hear your offering is one of those sound bites.

The most effective way to push through initial resistance is to do just that: push through it. Don't get argumentative and fight with them. Just make a logical point or emotional connection and proceed like nothing happened.

Here's a few examples you can try to push through initial resistance (the key isn't the WORDS... it's the strategy of PUSHING through in a friendly, professional way):

I understand you get phone calls about financing all the time, Bob. I assure you that we aren't some boiler room trying to get something out of you. In fact, we are trying to introduce ourselves so that way when you DO need financing, we are available for you. Now, if you had an extra $50,000 for your business, what would you allocate that towards that you aren't doing right now?

I get it, Bob. You get bombarded with phone calls every day from all kinds of people making crazy offers. This isn't one of those calls. Now, if you had an additional $60,000 to refinance your current loan and lower your rate or payment, how would that impact your business?

Great, most of my BEST clients weren't interested at first, until they saw the value in what we offered and how we helped them grow their business. Let me ask you, how much money would give YOU that freedom to grow your own business?

Obviously each of these seem totally cheesy; and in fact, they are totally cheesy. That's not the point. The point is that you can say ANYTHING except "OK.... have a nice day then" and you increase your chance of converting that "NOT INTERESTED" into a potentially interested client. Even if you have a 5% chance of converting it, why not do that? Anything is better than accepting the "NO" and having a 0% chance of closing it.