Quote Originally Posted by dpFund View Post
John - I just responded to this deal via email (not sure if this is you or not, since I'm guessing John Galt is not your real name...since I read Anne Rayn novels too). :-)

I am a direct lender and do a lot of MCA consolidations (consolidated $1.5M last week, alone). This client has daily payments of $5,046 (monthly of $106k) and total current balances of $242k. If we consolidated him I can get him down to $26,430k monthly, or a quarter of what he is paying. My average is about one-third of what clients are paying, for MCA consolidations.

Monthly payments (not daily). He can prepay remaining balance any time after six months, with no fees/penalties or interest. Principle only. Cheaper than Power Up, but I require more documentation and Due Diligence.

No stacking allowed and we enforce. This is only for companies that are healthy and want out from MCA dailies.

I need to see P&L and Balance Sheet for 2014 and 2015 YTD to determine the health of his business and see if it makes sense to take next steps.

If you are not the gentleman that I just had the email correspondence with, I apologize but I will need to stick with him since he brought it to me first.

If you or anyone has any questions about how we handle MCA consolidations, feel free to email. I will have a slight delay in responding as I will be out of the office most of the day Monday and Tues.


Dan Page
Dan ive seen you on here before and i have meant to give you a call. Seems like you have a good product what kind of documents so you require for a submission?