Ok. Simple Math: 500K last month....average 300K and can do much better with current government contracts, had over 400K in MCas with the biggies, now 240K. Still ok for MCAs, factoring, term, non SBAs. I hate stacking and didn't stack, but that's his situation and we all know not lot of Funders will go to a 7th much less over 35%.....this is one of those companies at the precipice of bankruptcy, but if a lender consolidates since he is current and paying 6 positions about 5k a day and has already paid down 1/2, he could make it. All his MCAs are 90 day deals. Longer term he can make it and be pulled from the brink of the whirlpool. Waiting on term approvals and factoring approvals, can also do his payroll and give him 30-90 day terms on it. Was looking for a faster bandaid.