Hello all. Once again I'd like to put myself out there to any direct lenders who may see this post. I have over 10 years of experience working within the cash advance space collecting on accounts that have defaulted. I have dealt and continue to deal with it all: Stop payments, blatant fraud, slow pays, refusal to pay and so on.

There is no scenario that I have come across where I could not yield a positive result. I'm nowhere close to the cost of a 3rd party collections office but easily quadruple their average results based upon industry norms. The truth as you all know, is that it takes a rare breed of skill to collect upon MCA defaults and the first step is understanding in every sense the industry itself, and the mindset of a defaulted merchant. They simply don't feel the urgency or importance of paying you. They are going out of their way to steal your funds and in essence are saying "I don't care because they can do nothing". My skills allow them to have a great epiphany of sorts and payment is the result.

I'm no different then a great sales closer you already have.

What makes one salesman (or woman) better than the rest? Drive, hunger, and the ability to convince someone to do something that others could not. The same can be said for collections, which in reality is one of the hardest "sales" to make. I'm selling responsibility and contractual adherence...not easy at all but I do it well and quickly. Collection agencies who may specialize in "commercial collections" may tout their abilities, but when it comes down to it this is not a standard commercial debt and they have yet to learn this. This is why almost no agency can yield a result of more than 4% on assigned accounts. I run at an average of 20% and have for years.

I can offer many references who would attest to my skill sets and the increase in their cash flow coupled with a stark decrease in write offs. I'm not looking to take over your collections process, but simply add to it.

If you have any interest in learning more, please feel free to message me or call me direct at 1-877-669-7943