Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
Hey there. Heard Leverage point, formally Cityscape out of Miami boiler room had to move because in eviction and can't pay it's sales people...is it true? Most of sales people went to Dynamic and still do the copy and paste thing with fake statements. Dynamic in same mode. We need to get paid and going to Dept of Labor.
John Galt and MCA Community, I am Joseph Robertson Founder of Leverage Point. I am also the last General Manager of Cityscape Financial and good friend of the owner Peter Reynolds . I want to start to this response by applauding Eric Earl for his tact and diplomacy used to address your post. Unfortunately, I am not as nice of a guy....

1. I am kind of confused you (pretended) to pose a question as a post ;{ Leverage Point...is it true they are bankrupt?}. What prompted this because you have never applied or set foot in Leverage Point? Also you obviously have never met me face to face, because if you had it would be evident that I am not the type of guy anyone in there right state of mind would want to have an issue with. THIS IS A FACT ASK ANY WHO REALLY KNOWS ME......

2. As far as Leverage Point's relationship with Cityscape Financial: I as well as my staff by and large make up the last round of hard working people that had made up the Cityscape Financial company. My good friend and owner Mr. Peter Reynolds made a peaceful transition of assets about 3 months ago. So that he could focus on things that were more important to him and his well being. As for your comment about being a boiler room, I will consider it a compliment. In my opinion a boiler room is just a group of hard working people pounding the phones to make a living. That do not have the time to run around spreading fictitious claims.

3. Moving on to your statement regarding our business location: We are still open for business at the same address.... If you'd like stop by I would be VERY HAPPY to meet you...

4. As far as our ability to employees under Leverage Point, we have never under any circumstances failed to pay an employee for work completed under the term of there employment agreement. As a matter of fact we are one of the few ISO/shop that pays on a W-2 status and Uses ADP for payroll. Furthermore 90% of Leverage Point employees have a guaranteed base plus commissions. I also give advances to employees that have financial troubles. FYI: Cityscape never bounced a check on any employee under the 13 months I managed the firm.

5. BANKRUPTCY Claim: Leverage Point has never filed BK check your public records (you obviously spend a great deal of time on line it should be easy for you to answer your own question). FYI: To my knowledge Cityscape has not filed bankruptcy.....

6. Dynamic Capital: I don't really know there operation, I've met the management team and heard stories about how they work. As far as I am concerned they are just another group of hardworking guys trying to make it in this market. HOWEVER, I WILL GIVE YOU A BIT OF ADVICE WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT PEOPLE AND THE CLAIMS YOU MAKE. ITS A SMALL WORLD YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MIGHT NEED THE VERY PEOPLE YOUR CASTING STONES AT.