I have a client who does about $750-800k a month. His factoring company is screwing him with a 50-55% lockbox so he is only showing $250-$350k a month in bank statements. Averages $40-50k in cc's and has a credit score of 700+.
Also has 6 balances. 1 will be paid in full this Wednesday and another on Monday. Currently paying over $2000 a day and the total balance is around $70k.

Looking for 1st position for $250k. Willing to sign a declaration with any recourse deemed necessary by the lender swearing to not take additional funding after you.

If you can help with this let me know.

I will say direct lenders only because most brokers cannot guarantee they can do this and I do not want to shop my client. I have been sitting on this file for a week looking for the right place for them.

Thanks in advance