Quote Originally Posted by jrhodes View Post
I don't think the space is over-saturated. I do think it can feel that way because there's a lack
of marketing diversity and creativity. Big broker shops will do big broker shop things. Smaller shops
need to be smarter. If everyone is calling the same UCC's (and they are) then you're operating in a highly
competitive space.

Working the UCC's is fine. We get business from that too. But try other things.

Build a referral base of b2b professionals and vendors. It takes time, but it pays off.
Hold small business owner workshops on cash flow management, building business credit and bank qualifying.
Remember at the end of the day you're a sales man, give your card to every business owner you meet,

I get at least 1 to 2 personal deals a month from the business card/network model.
Our referral base is growing and adding to monthly production.

We are just getting ready to launch the workshops.

Again, millions of small businesses, the percentage of those on a UCC list is minute.

Just sayin'

Great Outlook! I would love to hear more about your workshops you have planned.