Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
MCN and John,

So I get the referral/lead, pitch my alternative products depending on which one(s) are applicable, including the MCA, and for the bulk of these referrals the moment they see the cost and very short term payback cycles, they pass on it.

A small percentage of them continue to move forward, but not the bulk of them. So when you guys are targeting a lot of these clients that have never taken out an MCA, are you getting a decent conversion rate on these guys?
The issue is that you're presenting the merchant with too many choices. It's easy to pass on the MCA when you're also including long term, lower rate options in the conversation. I just focus on the MCA and tell them why it's better than any other alternative. I find out the merchant's pain points and show them why the MCA will work. Solving the problem is the immediate goal. It also helps that I have the ability to sell a 6 month 1.15 or 15 month 1.27 deal so I can blow most of my competitors out of the water anyway.