Quote Originally Posted by The****zuofMCA View Post
Agreed, the industry has been slow this Jewish holiday for example (according to most ISO shops)...Yet we cant deal with the rush of all the 1st position deals calling us for capital, merchants new to the industry. Its nicer to educate merchants on the product than talk to a merchant on a UCC sheet or one that's been stacked. Rare the merchant that leaves with a good experience after being stacked to death. I feel like there are still so many people who don't know about an MCA, why are most ISO's fighting over the same leads instead of doing the hard work and originating. It takes time, effort, and money but it pays off we have seen.
I know I bring this up often, but you're implying ISO's aren't working hard and originating, and we are somehow missing out on the copious amount of qualified '1st position' MCA virgins out there that seem to knocking down your door. I for one, spend a lot of money to attract the attention of new clients, and I love when I get the pleasure of speaking to a merchant who has never heard of me or my product.

Further, I am friendly with or acquaintances of some other ISO owners in the area here and they spend and employ far more than we do. The ROI on the marketing they use is still very thin, while the acquisition cost remains well into the low 4 figure range. Some have to depend on the renewal just to turn a profit right now, mostly because of market saturation. Any ISO spouting they would not consider giving a 2nd or even 3rd, in some cases, to a qualified, well-underwritten merchant, is crazy.

I guess what I'm saying is that we do originate, and we do work hard. Where is this honeypot of virgins you speak of, and how do we reach them? Privately share this with me, and you get the first right of refusal on every application I bring in. Deal?