Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
OK..lets have some fun..Regarding supersaturated...I think the space in undeserved. lets say between all the MCA firms we got 1000 (maybe 2000) reps on the phones talking Cash Advance? that would be serving 17M business owners.

lets talk about the PUSH and PULL theory;

Very few people are waking up and deciding to call Herbalife for some tablets yet they do just shy of 4BILLION Annually that is all done by way of the PUSH MODEL. (BTW Avon does 10 Billion with the PUSH model).
Apples Revenues are the PULL MODEL

So I agree the MCA space is "highly overly saturated" on the PULL MODEL, as in the merchants seeking the capital, however the MCA industry is in the INFANCY STAGE when it comes to the PUSH MODEL.

to put it in perspective it would take a Month for our entire industry to work the phones just to present the MCA programs (listen closely) to the 42,941 American single liquor stores operators.
17 million is a very inflated number. If you look at the revenue statistics for small businesses, about 14 million of those "small businesses" are under 100K in gross annual revenue, effectively eliminating them from qualifying for an MCA product, or even traditional financing.

I disagree that this space is under served in what you refer to as the push model. People have said the opposite, but I've found that eligible businesses are fairly well marketed to.

Say you have 4 million businesses, and just 50 ISOs reaching out to 100,000 prospects a month, whether it be direct mail, email, robo-dialing, cold calling, or any combination thereof, this covers 5 million prospects, more than the eligible pool of applicants. How can you say this space is under served?