Quote Originally Posted by ridextreme View Post

What is getting old is when people take advantage of this industry forum to advertise and promote their own shop. That is just spam. This industry already has enough funders that know what they're doing. I wish the administrator had guidelines regarding starting these spam posts such as they should charge you a fee to advertise your shop here by starting a post which is solely designed to advertise your business.
Here, here! I say that if you post TWICE (as in more than one time for you mathematically challenged) about your ISO, what you can do, what you offer, etc, you should be banned until you pony up the advertising fees. why should you get to come on here and advertise your wares for free, while others have ponied up the cash to make this site even possible?

and these lil dumb kids (which is all they are, uneducated young punks whose mommas always told them they were the greatest, so they believe it!) think they are being slocik and cunning