Quote Originally Posted by OakwoodFSG View Post
fUND, ridextreme, and mcg think they invented cash advance so they feel the need to bash anyone who makes any comment that they can feast on. They troll this site daily looking for newbie comments so they can get their fix in. This is a forum. The general idea of a forum is for people seeking information where people can express their public opinion. You have to spend more energy being an asshole then to simply type out an answer or just skip it altogether. Everyone was a newbie at some point, some people are dumber then others, some are smarter then others, etc...

Threads that spiral out of control like this is just getting old. If you don't agree with post, comment on the post, not the person.
uhhh what?? I dont know who I bashed or how my name got brought into this as a 'troll', but yeah, if someone says their company has 75 years of experience and then the next day they all of a sudden have 150 years experience in an industry that isnt 15 years old, they should be asked to clarify what they mean...Especially if they are looking to gain credibility as a new lender.

Nobody has a problem with newbies coming to this site to get information or offer information about their company....but your going to get called out if you try to sneak some one liners past sales people with major BS detectors.