If you guys want to continue to attack me and my company and if that is what makes you feel good about yourselves then go for it. I had the wrong information when I first posted about the industry experience we had - I apologize. When I first started, those were the numbers that were told to me and I haven't questioned those numbers since this whole conversation blew up here. I since went to every higher up in my company and clarified the exact years of experience and yes you are all obviously correct. I was wrong about the years of industry experience. What I was told was inclusive of processing, factoring, mortgage, stock, etc. experience. I had no way of knowing that and I didn't feel the need to question it until now.

As far as "continuing a slew of lies" CreditGuy I did no such thing. I welcomed you to call us and speak to whoever you wanted to clarify the information you wanted. You chose not to and decided to continue to bash on an online forum.

As far as Nelson's post, he started a month ago and he has been reprimanded for what he has written on this forum as that was in fact incorrect information.

I really hope the people that have continued to attack me and my office decide to not do so anymore. I'm not perfect but I have the balls to come on here and continue this conversation instead of deleting my username and creating another one or completely disappearing. I get why some of you have blown up about this but I hope we can move on at this point.