Hey Folks,

I've been a direct lender since 2008, focusing almost exclusively on business expansion funding.

Just recently, we began funding some MCA consolidations under the right circumstances. Funded north of $1M last month and on track to do that again this month. I earn all my clients by referral so my website is outdated and pathetic...but since all my clients are by referral, I've never needed to updated (even thought it is long overdue). I've only recently joined DailyFunder at the suggestion of a colleague, and have met some great people, so thought I would reach out.

If you have clients that have painted themselves into a corner with expensive merchant cash advance loans, we should talk. I can usually get client payments down to about one third or one half of what they are paying now. We do not do daily payments. Our payments are monthly or weekly, client choice, so it looks a lot like a term loan.

This is NOT a collateral based loan. I am looking at P&L, Balance Sheet and more for the demonstrated ability of the client to service their debt. 12 month funding. They can pre-pay any time after six months, paying only remaining principle for a huge savings (about a third of our clients take us up on this).

Funding amounts $100k - $1M, with some flexibility on both ends.

I cannot fund clients that are so upside down they are in serious trouble with no way out. There has to be a clear path on how they will make payments. No stacking allowed while they are making payments to us (we are extremely strict about this).

If you have clients that might be a fit, I'm happy to give you my high level feedback and move forward if it makes sense for both of us.

No smoke/mirrors or nonsense. Just honest feedback...and I expect the same.

Feel free to call or email. Looking forward to meeting some new industry colleagues.


Dan Page
Direct: (303) 938-8280