Quote Originally Posted by KTK View Post
I do realize that them not taking vehicles mainly, more so than equipment IMO, really does suck.

That said, I really don't see the need to bash these guys out and scrutinize their niche. They aren't for every merchant. They never were before this change happened.

Me? I look at them as a home run for exactly what it is they do. When I have a client that nobody in the unsecured space will fund at that particular moment, and they have a need at that particular moment - well, if they have real estate assets they are willing to pledge then it is real nice to have WBL in your arsenal. Consolidations are a perfect example of that, getting around net 50.

Additionally how many times a DAY do you all talk to somebody that is averaging $60K a month and the convo goes like this:

"You can't help me. I have talked to 100 guys before you. I need $100K and not a penny less. My credit sucks and everyone else says they can do it but all they do is come back with $45K offers for me. It does not help me and you can't either"

It's very nice when you are able to turn it into:

"Well Mr Business owner do you have any real estate you would be willing to pledge, with over $135K in equity"

"Yes I do"

"Well it will take me 2 weeks instead of 2 days but I can certainly secure the funds you need. Tell me a bit about the property, fill out this app, and I will let you know for sure by the end of the day"

Anyway, that's my 2 cents
Thank you for the kind words. That's exactly the segment of the market we'd like to penetrate. If anyone else can use a product like that... You know how to reach me