I connected with this guy through this forum as he was trying to help me fund a hard money deal. We are still working on the deal and I just wanted to give him a shout out for being the most helpful person i have met in the industry. This guy has given me tons of tips on the best marketing avenues, how to pitch the UCC leads better to get better results and all around has probably spent over six hours on the phone with me at least since starting our relationship only 2 weeks ago. This guy is a hard worker and deserves every penny he earns. He went out of his way to help me more then once and the people in his office and on his team are very lucky to have him. I havent met that many people from daily funder but if any of them are like Zach Ramirez then lets chat! I feel like a merchant cash advance expert after being in the business for only a couple months and it was a big thanks to Zach. I forgot to mention he also made it crystal clear on the best funders to send deals to that won't steal from me and that give great commissions and good turn around. I hope to train my own reps as well as he has helped me. Cheers Zach and looking forward to buying you a beer after I close another 500k in business.