Quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
You want a new product with some value - come in between IOU/QS and those like Knight with regard to strong seconds. 1 year term seconds for qualified clients with strong financials, who happened to have 6 negative days over the past 3 months or fall just outside the IOU/QS UW criteria. Or take a look at the PFS debt refinancing program (interesting from an investment standpoint as you never really go out on the limb too far with these merchants). Or do 6 month 3rds in the mid 1.30's coming in behind an 18-24 month first and a 1 year second.

Provide a reasonable product with a reduced broker commission. Those who want to last in this business will flood you with clients while the others are still pitching a 1.49 over 3 months going for a 14 point rip.

You don't stop stacking, its inevitable. I can't tell you how many business I've quite literally saved from BK w/ consolidations who ended up doing the same thing all over again and are no longer in business.
6 month 3rd positions the company will be out of business before they ever get going. Why anyone would want to add additional stacking products to the industry is beyond me.. Everyday you have more companies getting sued for stacking, the industry is going to go away from stacking not further into it