I don't want to shop, but I have been working with this merchant for a few weeks and I would like to get a little more traction on his request. Don't let the industry steer you away as he is in good standing and long time business owner with good credit.

  • Check Cashing (NE Region)
  • 2MM a Month (2-3% revenue)
  • Ending balances do not go below 10k
  • 1st pos payoff appx $60k or 2nd pos with a longer term as he will payoff the 1st with no issue
  • Credit is good
  • TIB: 10 years

I have offers for over $100k at short terms

Requested and closed: $125 - 150k over 12 months at a 1.40 will close. He would like under 600 day payments but if the approval/term is right he will accept a higher daily

This is a personal deal from a past merchant I've helped and has NOTHING to do with PSC. PSC understands the request from the merchant and is allowing me to search for possibly direct funders who could satisfy this request and other request like it as we have open syndication in our network and would like to entertain the possibilities of working with new funders who think "outside of the box". Please feel free to reach out by email to discuss further.

Thank you!