I own a company that mainly helps start ups and RE flippers. I am throwing away some deals I know could make money (people that have businesses and credit scores under 700) because I have yet to run into a person who I want to deal with that also wants my deals. I have some deals right now and would like to see if I could monetize them.

What I want:
A person who has a reputation on here for being straight forward with clients AND can point to some happy referral partners.
A person who will tell me what docs to get, I get them then you finish it.
Preferably someone with options for clients that arent just MCA
Preferably a person who also has good credit start up leads that I could pay him/her for.

What I can offer:
People with business revenues. I have one now with 40k/mth and one with 400k/mth. I get 2-3 a month without marketing for them.
Prospects/clients that come to you with realistic expectations.
Low drama deals from someone who wants us both to make money.

pm me