I'm not opposed to guide lines. I don't have a criminal past. We run a clean shop. I'm talking about one company looking to take over a space by any means, which wouldn't leave much money for anyone else. If for arguments sake the play was for them to "remove any and all competition" That's an issue. I think competition is good. Competition is America. I'll always make money, no matter what i do. I just think the reason they're at that table is "different than helping the merchant" Self serving is my take on it. That's naturally just said for the sake of Banter..

Quote Originally Posted by AlexSMF View Post
As they should. Regulation in this industry would be the best possible thing to happen. Everyone needs to stop kidding themselves and admit that the space is overly saturated with people that have no business leaving their house unsupervised. I saw this happen with the mortgage industry, regulation came about, people *****ed, the ones who had no business being in the industry left because they either couldn't pass the test or the background check, and the ones remaining are making money because they dont have to compete with 400 others for the same client.