Quote Originally Posted by PRIMO CASH View Post
Well this convo took a sharp turn....In the defense of the noob, Funding Circle actually offers 2 different tiers of commission. One that does not allow for back end fees and one that does. Benefit of the doubt to Nick, perhaps he is signed up for the latter. However, that whole offering up 10% to run the fee for you is incredibly unethical and most likely illegal (though I'm not an attorney.) Listen to Amanda, do things the right way (time consuming and difficult as they may be) and you will find long term success. Learning the hard way tends to be initiation in this industry. Good luck.
Thanks Primo I may offer time consuming advice- but let me tell you. I have been in this industry for almost 3 years and started off as an admin (promised underwriter), went into funding management/business development between ISOs and Funding companies and have heard every complaint and suggestion from every side that participates in the MCA Industry. I am exhausted with people contacting me with advise that I give (FOR FREE) just to see things like this. I assisted with the Sean and help make it clear that it is the "Year of the Broker" - The broker is the one getting to the merchant and getting paper and Funding companies rely on Brokers/ISOs for deal flow... there is a way to do it and keep consistent quantity and maintain quality... I really want to help put things in place to streamline business for the Funders that I've worked with and know can help you! Why is everyone making things so difficult?!

Just another free tip- When merchants need money and they "Google" search specifics that they are looking for, sometimes the DailyFunder posts come up in their search. I think it's a good thing a few of you stay anonymous.