Quote Originally Posted by mfs01 View Post
This program would be great for a preapproval for the sales agent to pin the client down. But a TRUE approval cannot come until the documents, credit, etc.. are reviewed by an underwriter.
We used to have a "cookie cutter" underwriting system when I was in the mortgage business and it worked well for the sales agents and getting pricing, but in the end look what happened there.
This Automated system is a great Idea and will help the sales agents, but I don't think an computerized algorithm is enough to calculate the risk of a cash advance deal (at least not for me).
If not an algorithm, how do you calculate risk or provide risk based pricing? Your good judgement? It's not that you don't have a human underwriter confirm and verify the inputs to the scoring/risk model; and interviews are part of that process. But to say that you can tell if a person "knows their business" from an interview and therefore is credit worthy is a joke. The merchant interview is a 0/1. If the guy is sketchy, you don't give him anything, otherwise you fund according to the model. I hope everyone is just kidding here and that you're not 'lending' money on your good judgement.