Hi out there. I'm new to the industry and I'm looking to make my first lead purchase so I can really get started. Does any one have any advice for me. I worked in the debt settlement space for years and I'm ready for a change. I have some contacts with leader generation companies but working with these guys is always a gamble and the pricing in the space seems extremely high. I want to make sure I'm not getting ripped off and I'm purchasing the right kind of leads. Can anyone tell me if these prices sound right and if one lead type you worked with is better than an another. I also have a pretty small budget to get started. I've got about 10k to work with so I'd like to keep my spending less than $500 a week.

Web Forms- These seem to be any where from $30 - $50 for exclusives. This seems high to me but what do I know.

Qualified Warm Transfers - Calls where a live person ask at least 3 questions before transferred $70 - $75. I doubt I can really afford these but I figured I should know about them for the future.

Press 1 campaign- I here lots of different things about these calls. Are they any good? They seem relatively cheap. Most of what I'm hearing are these leads are $4-$5. Is that because there BS or could I expect to close 4% or 5% of something like this.

Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.